Posting prayers and Praises from me, IJM [other organizations] and from you, fellow bloggers.
Alacrity Prayer List
Jeremiah 29:11
*to continue to trust God. Alacrity has been going through some rough spots and needs continuous prayer to trust God in these situations.
IJM Prayer List
"They will know that I am the Lord, when I break the bars of their yoke and rescue them from those who enslaved them."
— Ezekiel 34:12
- Praise God that one of our clients in Zambia has just graduated from University and will begin teaching pre-school at a local private school. We are so grateful to see her begin this sustainable career and pray for God’s continued blessing.
- Pray for our relationship with the Lands Registry in Uganda, where we work to secure the documentation that protects clients in their homes. The relationship between our offices has been recently improving and some of the back-logged cases have started to move. Please pray that we can continue a positive relationship with the Lands Registry that will help cases move more efficiently through the system.
Latin America
- Pray that legal hearings would proceed according to schedule in the cases that IJM Bolivia is prosecuting. Many trials have recently been suspended or postponed because key trial participants have not shown up at the court. Pray that all required parties would be present and justice would be delivered swiftly to our clients.
- Pray for a client of Paz y Esperanza, IJM’s casework alliance partner in Peru. Pray for protection and peace for this client who fears retaliation for reporting the abuse. Testifying against an abuser requires a great deal of courage from our clients many of whom must stand up to people with far more power than they have.
South Asia
- Pray for wisdom and favor as IJM social workers explore possible partnerships with training institutes in South Asia. Pray that these partnerships would give former victims of sex trafficking a skill-set and sustainable jobs to support themselves and their families.
- Pray for revisions currently underway to the Bonded Labor Handbook a tool used by government officials in South Asia to guide them in rescuing forced labor slaves and delivering justice according to the law. Pray that the government officials would prioritize updating this important guide.
Southeast Asia
- Praise God that, this week, a well-established bar where minors and trafficked women were being sold for sex has been permanently closed by government authorities in Manila. IJM and the National Bureau of Investigations (the Philippine equivalent of the FBI) conducted a rescue operation at the bar six weeks ago, rescuing 14 girls who are now in an aftercare home. Pray that owners of other bars exploiting minors would fear similar just consequences for trafficking crimes.
- Pray that God would bring talented, Christian professionals to join our team in the Philippines. Pray especially for a godly leader to serve as the National Advocacy Director and build support for anti-trafficking strategies with government officials and other influential people throughout the Philippines.
IJM HQ & Global Partners
IJM has partner offices in Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK
- Pray for Jim Martin, IJM Vice President of Church Mobilization, as he speaks at Life Community Church in Quincy, MA, on Sunday morning as well as at a Community Awareness event in the evening.
- Pray that God will provide committed and talented volunteers to support the efforts of IJM Germany, as the small team there seeks to raise awareness and support for IJM’s work throughout the nation.
- Pray that IJM UK’s newsletter would touch the hearts of those who read it this week. Pray that our tools to share the message of justice in the UK would produce much fruit.
Please do Not hesitate to send in any prayer requests or Praises you have! We are more than happy to pray for you or rejoice with you!
Many Blessings,
Charity for