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Passion Magazine is an...
online magazine geared towards teenage girls. Our prayer is that God will provide His encouragement and teaching for His daughters through our work, and that in readers by our magazine will be instilled and stirred a passion for God, a passion for the people around them, and a passion for life. We want girls' eyes to be opened to their true beauty and value in Christ and to realize His passionate pursuit for their hearts.
I definitely advise you to consider taking part in this Ministry, by either subscribing or becoming a staff member!
Subscribe to posts such as:
10 Ways to Raise Money for a Mission Trip
Saving Myself
and much more!
How do I subscribe?
To subscribe to Passion Magazine, please fill out the form to the left of the page. Please include both your first and last name. (It'll help us know which Katie or Sarah or Emily you are!) It will send us an email about it and we'll add you to our subscriptions list and email you when we do from the email ! We'll also forward you any of the latest news that we've sent out to subscribers you have missed for about the past month, like the latest newsletters. Your personal information is perfectly safe with us. We will NOT give your name, e-mail, or location to anyone. The information won't go past our contact list. In messages we send out to all the subscribers, we send it out as blind carbon copies so no one will see your email.
Please let us know what you decide! I would love to see you there!
Charity for