Monday, May 9, 2011


NEW prayer lists from Megan of Alacrity,, plus IJM. [IJM and I am Second are both organizations we support!]
IJM Prayer List:

"I will sing of your love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will sing praise." — Psalm 101:1

Urgent Prayer Request: Please pray for an ongoing operation in South Asia. IJM and local government officials originally initiated the operation to find and rescue one man but instead discovered hundreds of people we believe are forced labor slaves in the massive facility. IJM staff have been working to secure freedom for the children, men and women and the kiln since yesterday. Pray for them as the operation continues. Government officials from the district where the laborers used to live before working at the brick factory are arriving at the site of the operation now. Pray that these officials would see and know the truth and act with wisdom. Pray that the released laborers will bravely tell their stories, so they can be officially certified by the government as freed slaves.
  • Praise God for the successful conviction of a perpetrator of sexual abuse in Kenya. We praise God that our client in this case, who could not talk, walk or eat properly following the abuse, is now showing signs of healing and is involved in a counseling program. Please pray for her continued healing and restoration.


  • Please pray for IJM Director of Church Mobilization Christa Hayden as she goes to the Richmond Justice Initiative Advocacy & Training Day & Abolition Night in Richmond, VA. Pray that she would be successful in building bridges and sharing about the work of justice.
Latin America
  • Please pray for Conchita*, a 13 year-old IJM Guatemala client. As the result of an appeal, the judges granted immediate freedom to the accused perpetrator. Please pray for Conchita*’s emotional health, as it is believed that she is being manipulated by her two older sisters. Since she lives in a rural area where there are not many qualified psychologists who can give her therapy, please pray that she would be able to receive therapy and that she would be completely restored.
  • Please pray for the victims of sexual violence in the community of Nueva Suyapa, Honduras. Pray that survivors would have the strength and courage to report abuse that they have suffered. Also, please pray that the investigators working on their cases would have the wisdom to interview all necessary parties to obtain the information they need, while maintaining the safety and security of the victims.
  • Please pray for safety and protection for staff of IJM’s casework alliance partner in Peru and Ecuador, Paz y Esperanza.

South Asia

  • Pray for humility, openness and tact as our aftercare team reaches out to potential government and private partners.
  • Pray for opportunities to train government officials, police and prosecutors this year. We see this as an essential next step to improve the efficacy and sustainability of our casework.
  • Continue to pray for district officials who have committed to provide rehabilitation funds that former forced laborers are owed by law.
  • Please pray for partnerships with organizations looking to open Transitional Facilities to provide support to adult women who have been rescued from trafficking.
  • Pray that our open advocate position would soon be filled by a wise and capable attorney.

Southeast Asia

  • Praise God for a successful police training in Manila, led by IJM staff. Pray that the officers who completed the training would implement the techniques they learned as they fight rafficking in their communities.
  • Pray for final preparations for next month’s (May) conference with local Thai churches. Pray that the pastors and leaders would respond to the biblical call to seek justice on behalf of the oppressed in their community.
  • Pray that God would bring talented, Christian professionals to the Philippines who will serve with courage and commitment. Pray for a godly, competent individual to serve as the National Advocacy Director, leading our efforts to raise awareness nationally about effective anti-trafficking strategies. Both offices (Manila and Cebu) need social workers, investigators and lawyers who are committed to seeking justice in their country.

I Am Second Prayer Needs

John 12:32 "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself."

Upcoming Events Pray that Jesus will be lifted up as First in each of these things, and He will draw people to Himself through them:
Tyler, TX Lead Lab on Apr 29-30
Charlotte, NC Lead Lab on May 15
Nashville, TN Lead Lab on May 24
Launches Please continue to pray for the Kansas City I Am Second media launch, that many people would be drawn to Christ. Lift up the Evansville and Orlando outreaches going on as well. Nashville, TN is in the planning process for their launch- ask God for wisdom and for laborers to be raised up in that city.
Protection for those with films Ask for special protection for the people who have shared their stories on the website. Their transparency makes them a likely target for the enemy. Lift up those who spend a lot of time in the public eye, such as Brian "Head" Welch, Josh Hamilton, Colt McCoy, Sam Bradford, and Bethany Hamilton.

I Am Second Expeditions Pray for those on the mission field currently. Ask the Lord of the harvest to bring many people to Himself. For our teams to be focused on bringing glory to Jesus every day they're in the field. Consider going with us. Click here to find out more.
 Web Stats
IA2 Partners: 846
Registered IA2 Groups: 558
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Total Visits: 7,471,549

From Alacrity Staff:
[From Megan]

These are really tough times we're living in. Thank goodness Jesus goes through it with us! :)

Yesterday my uncle's grandpa, David Wilkerson, was killed in a car accident. For those of you who don't know, David Wilkerson started Times Square Church and Teen Challenge and the book/movie "The Cross and the Switchblade" was about him. He was a great man of faith, and I would like you to pray for his family, and especially my uncle's family...cause my uncle and his grandpa were really close.

One of my friend's just found out that their mom has cancer, please pray for peace, and wisdom, and healing.

Shannon and I and several others are taking the AP exam next week...SCARYNESS!

Our youth group and many others are doing the 30 Hour Famine tomorrow, please pray that all goes well!   

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